Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 2, 2011 Quito and Home

Quito and the National News

We woke up to the news that Osama Bid Laden had been killed. My first thought was that I bet security was going to be fun. There was CNN in English at the Stubel Suites – it was a more Americanized hotel with televisions in each room.

I have flown, I think, once since September 11, but I did have a flight that I was supposed to take off on September 11 – it was in the afternoon, so I missed all the excitement and did get to go on my flight a few days later.

Apparently excitement follows me sometimes – as I was stepping out of the shower, I heard the fire alarm going off at the hotel. Great. I'm naked and in a foreign country and I don't know whether the escape route is up or down because the hotel is built on the side of a mountain and I'm hopping around on one foot trying to simultaneously dry myself off and put on my underclothes. Thank goodness I could overhear someone across the hall asking a hotel employee what is going on (in English, thankfully) and apparently someone was smoking and set of the alarm. That's a relief.

It was much clearer and warmer in Quito than when we arrived and I was able to get better pictures of the view from the hotel.

Clearer view from Stubel Suites

Another view from the Stubel Suites
I had an uneventful day. I ran into a few of the people from the tour that were leaving later. Several of our group had left bright an early, but a few of us were still around, but before very long it was time to get back to the airport for the flight home.

My last food picture - an awesome fresh fruit salad with homemade ice cream

Preparing to Enter The United States Again

I got to the gate and "Control de Equipaje" apparently that is their TSA came and searched bags and checked shoes and that sort of thing. Later, a dog was brought out to sniff every bag. From the jetway, I could see a dog sniffing all the checked luggage, too.

On the plane on the way back they served shrimp and rice or Asian chicken. I tried the shrimp and rice with no ill effects. Not the best I've ever had, but really pretty good for airplane food based on what I've had before.

I watched a movie, or rather, dozed through a movie, and nearly got killed by the lady in front of me when she leaned her seat back. There was some turbulence, but overall, it was a pleasant, uneventful trip back to Miami.

Passengers were herded into customs and there was an officer there who was letting US Citizens go first, so that was a nice perk, I guess, though I felt sorry going in front of some of the people with tired children. I got through customs without any problems and picked up checked bags and then was allowed to go into the airport proper once another man checked my paperwork.


And then the fun began. Overnight at the Miami airport is not altogether pleasant. Every 15 minutes they tell you what time it is – loudly. And then at 1 a.m. I heard a loud alarm followed by: "May we have your attention, please. The alarm you just heard that has been activated is being investigated by the fire department. Please stand by for further instructions." This went on every 10 seconds for about 30 minutes. And then again at 2:40 a.m. for another 30 minutes. I assume all was well – we were never evacuated or anything. And I would hope that the alarm was being investigated!

I found the restroom – and watched people sleep. There was one store open – the Dunkin Donuts – and I had a Coolati. They're not bad. And then just kind of sat around until the US Air ticket counter opened. Oh, and I took much pleasure in the airport bathroom – it had soap, toilet paper and a hook on the back of the door. I never realized what luxury items those were!

And the airport in Miami is kept at sub-zero temperatures. I have no idea how anyone slept – you'd think my teeth chattering and all the announcements would have woken the dead, but there were people actually sleeping there!

I ended up getting a full body scan going through security – that was different, and it seemed that security was a little more heightened – I'm sure because of the Bin Laden thing. I was sooooo sleepy by the 6:20 a.m. flight and I dozed most of the way to Charlotte. Getting home is always good.

But, I would visit Ecuador again. In a heartbeat!

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